Steamer Agent
Steamer Agent either directly or indirectly.
- Performs any service in connection with the ship’s Husbandry or dispatch including the rendering of administrative work related thereto, or
- Book, advertise or canvass for cargo for or on behalf of a Shipping Line, or
- Provide container feeder services for or on behalf of a Shipping Line.

Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier – Subcontractors for shipping
They book large quantities of space on ships and sell smaller quantities of space to Shippers. They also consolidate multiple shipments into one container load that moves under one bill of lading.
Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier – Subcontractors for shipping
They book large quantities of space on ships and sell smaller quantities of space to Shippers. They also consolidate multiple shipments into one container load that moves under one bill of lading.

Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier – Subcontractors for shipping
They book large quantities of space on ships and sell smaller quantities of space to Shippers. They also consolidate multiple shipments into one container load that moves under one bill of lading.
Vessel Chartering
We aim to find the right vessel for the first time, every time whilst meeting or exceeding our client’s operational and commercial expectations. From sourcing the vessel to on-site supervision at port of discharge, we offer a door to door hassle free chartering experience to our clients.
- Global network of owners and brokers.
- Bundled services giving a full door to door experience.
- All necessary export and Customs documentation.

International Freight Forwarding (Sea/Air)
Collecting shipments from a number of businesses and consolidates them into larger shipments for economies of scale. A Freight Forwarder often also deals with route selection, price negotiation, and documentation of distribution, and can act as a distribution agent for a business. By consolidating loads, a Freight Forwarder can negotiate cheaper rates of transportation than the individual businesses and can prebook space to ensure a more rapid delivery schedule.
LCL Consolidation
Less-than Container Load Consolidation Shipping term for cargo that is insufficient either in quantity or in weight to qualify for the freight rates applied to a standard shipping container.

Customs Clearance
Customs Clearance is a profession that involves the ‘clearing’ of goods through customs barriers for Importers and Exporters (usually businesses). This involves the preparation of documents and/or electronic submissions, the calculation (and usually the payment) on behalf of the client of taxes, duties and excises, and facilitating communication between the importer/exporter and governmental authorities.
Warehousing Agent
Warehousing Agent provide a warehouse. A warehouse is a commercial building for storage of goods. Warehouses are used by Manufacturers, Importers, Exporters, Wholesalers, Transport Businesses, Customs, etc. They are usually large plain buildings in industrial parts of towns. They come equipped with loading docks to load and unload trucks; or sometimes are loaded directly from Railways, Airports, or Seaports. They also often have cranes and forklifts for moving goods, which are usually placed on ISO standard pallets.

Transport Operators
We carry a top selection of Import and Export, Shipping Scale, Shipping Boxes, Movers, and more. SHAGAI Logistiques Private Limited provides you with a customized shopping experience designed specifically to save time and eliminate frustrating product searchers. Moving… Shipping… Receiving. If you’re moving something in, out or around the country we’ve got what you need right here.
Break-Bulk Agent
Break bulk cargo, a shipping term for any loose material that must be loaded individually, and not in Inter-modal containers nor in bulk as with oil or grain.

Indenting Agent
An Indenting Agent is a company that collects commissions on sales, and does not buy and resell. The value added to the supply chain may be distribution, technical support, shipping/import/export documentation services, sales force, marketing or anything else.
Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance covers the loss or damage of Ships, Cargo, Terminals, and any Transport or Cargo by which property is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and final destination. Cargo insurance is a sub-branch of Marine Insurance, though Marine also includes Onshore and Offshore exposed property (Container Terminals, Ports, Oil Platforms, Pipelines); Hull; Marine Casualty; and Marine Liability.

- ICS – Indian Sub-continent
- Far East Sector
- South East Asia Sector
- African Sector
- Gulf Sector
Special Services to C.I.S Sector
Armenia / Afghanistan / Azerbaijan / Belarus / Georgia / Iran / Kazakhstan / Latvia / Lithuania / Moldova / Mongolia / Russia / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / Uzbekistan.

C.I.S sector routing via Hub
Bandar Abbas / St. Petersburg (Russia) / Odessa / Poti and Riga / Qingdao and Xingang.
Specialist in Inland Railway service to All Inland ICD Logistics services to Europe / China / Russia.